Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monkey Business

Just a random thought for the spring break:

My wife and I went swimming last week. After going for a few lengths, I went to the whirlpool to relax just a tad.

After walking in, a young couple walked by. The man dipped into the whirlpool across from me. His partner, meanwhile, sat down behind him. She then proceeded to put her legs on his shoulders, and crossed her legs in front of his chest. The two then began chatting. I did not take much notice of that.

Soon after, the young woman began massaging the young man’s shoulders and his head. As she massaged her partner’s head, this woman started going through every strand of the man’s hair, either just playfully, or maybe she was trying to pick out her partner’s white hair. She went on and on, her fingers working skilfully amidst his hair. I wasn’t wearing my glasses, so I could not see very well, but I could tell the woman was extremely attentive at her work. The man, meanwhile, was stroking his lady’s leg up and down the entire time with his eyes closed… The entire scene, for whatever the reason, only reminds me of this:

(In case you are wondering, this is a picture showing a monkey going through another's hair to pick out the fleas. The "picking monkey" would then proceed to eat the fleas that it catches).

So, as you can imagine, I have had about enough. I left the whirlpool and went on to swim a few more lengths before calling it a day.

Maybe I am over-reacting, but I honestly have a problem with couples publicly demonstrating their intimacy. No, I don’t have a problem seeing a couple holding each other’s hands, or seeing them embrace one another; a peck on the cheek or on the lips I find to be quite sweet as well. But there are some acts that belong to the privacy of the couple, and are not meant for public consumption. Yes, you have a “right,” I guess, to do whatever you want, wherever you want, as long as it is not breaking the law, but I think the public also has a right not to be forced to see your intimacy.

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