In the year that follows, families of the casualties were running from place to place, trying to seek justice for the deceased. What they did not know was that: for a request that was just, fair, and legal, they would face such oppression. People associated with the government would prevent them from protesting, would try to offer bribes for them to stop protesting, and threaten to use the legal system to punish the families of the victims if they do not stop their struggles.
In the anniversary of the Sichuan Earthquake, Hong Kong’s TVB has shot a short documentary detailing the oppressions these parents and other volunteers have faced. It is a chilling tale, and though this blog is written in English, I trust you would have Chinese-speaking friends who would get a lot from watching it:
The Truth Behind Tofu Constructions: Part 1
The Truth Behind Tofu Constructions: Part 2
The Truth Behind Tofu Constructions: Part 3
To those who are still denying, to this date, of any faults in building these “tofu constructions,” I

First: if the collapsed buildings have fallen strictly due to the earthquake, why in the world were the parents not allowed to openly visit their children’s grave? Why are the parents watched and sometimes taken away by authorities for just talking to the media about their children who died during a “natural disaster?”
Second: for you to be so shameless, so heartless in your treatment to the victims’ families, are you still worthy to be called a human being? Where is your soul, or are you just a ghoul?
I sincerely hope that: after watching these videos, you will share them with those around you, particularly those living in China who may be blocked from seeing these.
Justice for the victims of the Sichuan Earthquake!
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