First, some background information for your reading pleasure:
CBC News: Marijuana activist Emery awaits extradition
The Vancouver Sun: Marc Emery's sentence reeks of injustice and mocks our sovereignty

Marc Emery sold marijuana seeds to the US. This is against the US laws. Whether you agree with the laws in the States in regards to marijuana is irrelevant – he broke US laws knowingly. Canada and the US have extradition agreements. When a Canadian citizen has broken American laws, the US has the right to ask the Canadian government to extradite that person to the US to face prosecution and imprisonment. The same is true when an American breaks Canadian laws. These are objective facts.
If Emery wants to be an activist, and feels that his cause of the nature of civil disobedience, so be it. At least, I can almost respect him for taking a stance on something he believes in (though I would disagree with his stance completely). But, if he wants to be looked at as a martyr, then behave like one! Don’t whine about being extradited, don’t complain that Canada is “selling you out!” Emery KNEW when he sold the seeds to the States that he would be breaking their law! Emery mis-calculated, and now, has to pay for his mis-calculation. If he makes it sound like he didn’t know that this would happen, then either he has too much “hippie lettuce” in his system to think straight, or he is just a liar. Plain and simple.

As for Ian Mulgrew’s column – I have been criticizing this columnist for a very long time, and this is just another example. Look at the facts, Ian! Canada and the US have extradition agreements with each other! People who break the other country’s laws can be summoned for extradition! This is not a humanitarian case where Emery may face execution – he is going to the States for a jail term that he knew he might face. Canada is merely following what it has agreed upon; it is its international duty – how is that selling out our sovereignty?
Bottom line – when one has made a conscious choice, take ownership of the consequence. And please do not throw in the sovereignty card to make your argument sound more patriotic and reasonable – it only shows that you would go out of your way, even if the way is totally unreasonable and inaccurate, to make a point. It does not make you look smart, to say the least.