This may be a very small matter, but it illustrates once again the lunacy that is with political correctness:
Outrage Grows over Cancelled Anthem
For those who don’t know, the principal of a small New Brunswick elementary school, Erik Millett, decided to cancel the school’s long-time ritual of singing the national anthem at the start of each school day, citing that certain parents did not want their children to participate in the event. The mother of a grade 5 student, Mrs. Susan Boyd, wrote to a local paper to voice her disapproval of the principal’s decision. The complaint quickly gained national attention, causing both federal and provincial ministers to comment and a heated public debate. Most feel the principal’s decision was out of line, and are demanding the school to return to this daily ritual.
What government officials say on this matter is not of my concern. For all I know and care, they are just saying what is politically the most appealing thing. I am more concerned over why the principal would come to such a decision.
While Mr. Millett would not say how many parents actually complained, and what reasons they had to complain of the singing of the national anthem, one can only imagine that the number is a very small one, and the reason probably has something to do with what these parents believe or not believe in. I am all for the respect of other people’s believes and values, but not to the point where we have to change and modify everything to suit the desires of a small number of people. Like sex-ed classes in school, parents have the right to opt out their children from participating. If some parents genuinely feel that their children should not participate in the singing of our nation’s national anthem, they can quite simply request their children to not participate. Why should the entire school change its ways for a few? What if a parent, for whatever reason, feels strongly that the school should sing the national anthem for country X instead? Should the whole school change its national anthem routine for that too?
Meanwhile, I know that there has been people who have been trying to change the lyrics of “O Canada.” In particular, they want to remove the word “God” from the lyrics of the anthem because certain people believe that there is no god. Again, this idea is just ludicrous. What these people fail to understand is that the lyrics represent the founding values and the history behind this country. Our forefathers believed that this country is governed and kept by an Almighty God. Whether you accept that belief or not, it IS a part of our nation’s history. You cannot deny history just because you do not accept or agree with that history. And for the people who preach tolerance to be so intolerant even of history past, it is a hypocrisy.
I am a proud Canadian, and would be singing every word of my national anthem whenever there is a chance. Props to Ms. Boyd to stand up against the rudeness of political correctness – it has violated us long enough.