I get that it is the last official day of school for certain people. I get that some people are in the mood to celebrate. Go celebrate, have a little fun. I was actually quite happy while I heard the collective cheer and congratulations that took place the moment the final bell was rung. I was also impressed at these guys who brought their vanilla soda and said cheers to one another as if making a toast for this final moment. I can even somewhat understand (not to say I agree with it) the pulling of the fire alarm once, but what is with all the littering? Do you have to “celebrate” at the expense of others? What happened to all the values that you so proudly represent the entire year?

One custodian said this a lot better than I can: “We have worked so hard for them all year – what have we done to them to deserve this to be done to us?” I was speechless when hearing that.
I have grown to respect some of you a great deal through some of the wonderful and charitable things you have done throughout the years. I have lost the respect for several individuals over one moment of irresponsibility. True character is seen in moments where you can “let go” and just “let it rip,” but choose to restrain yourself from doing something at another person’s expense. For several people, your despicable act on the last day of your high school life had greatly disappointed me.